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\( L \)

Short Description

This is the symbol for a loss function. It is a function that calculates how wrong a model's inference is compared to where it should be.

Medium Description

This is the symbol for a loss function. It is a function that calculates how wrong a model's inference is compared to where it should be. It typically represents some kind of "distance" between a predicted value and the "ground truth".

Long Description

The symbol for a loss function is \(L\). It is a function that calculates how wrong a model's inference is compared to where it should be. It typically represents some kind of "distance" between a predicted value and the "ground truth". Examples include Adam and Binary Cross Entropy (BCE).


  1. Jaeger, H. (n.d.). Neural Networks (AI) (WBAI028-05) Lecture Notes BSc program in Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from